Installing the miceafter and mice packages

You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You can install mice with:


mice and miceafter for pooling logistic regression models

lbp_orig is a dataset that is part of the miceafter package with missing values. So we first impute them with the mice function. Than we use the mids2milist function to turn a mids object, as a result of using mice, into a milist object with multiply imputed datasets. Than we use the with function to apply repeated logistic regression analyses. With the pool_glm function we obtain the results for the pooled model.

  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5, printFlag = FALSE) 
  dat_imp <- mids2milist(imp)
  ra <- with(dat_imp, expr = glm(Chronic ~ factor(Carrying) + Gender + Smoking + 
                      Function + JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport, 
                      family = binomial))
  poolm <- pool_glm(ra, method="D1")
#>                term     estimate  std.error  statistic        df      p.value
#> 1       (Intercept) -2.960648806 2.72404744 -1.0868566 117.27816 0.2793289649
#> 2            Gender -0.180328611 0.44970827 -0.4009902 138.17900 0.6890467201
#> 3           Smoking  0.068334034 0.36803017  0.1856751 143.33859 0.8529620542
#> 4          Function -0.072190836 0.04792059 -1.5064681 146.19589 0.1341047367
#> 5        JobControl  0.008134227 0.02100327  0.3872839 125.39176 0.6992026151
#> 6        JobDemands  0.013944105 0.03994138  0.3491142 125.29641 0.7275895600
#> 7     SocialSupport  0.061680286 0.05912646  1.0431926 145.16914 0.2985932062
#> 8 factor(Carrying)2  1.261310390 0.51899537  2.4302922 103.26284 0.0168112650
#> 9 factor(Carrying)3  2.014313910 0.56782913  3.5473945  71.03321 0.0006939056
#>           OR    lower.EXP upper.EXP
#> 1 0.05178531 0.0002351356 11.404987
#> 2 0.83499578 0.3431703946  2.031696
#> 3 1.07072291 0.5172992965  2.216217
#> 4 0.93035333 0.8462864214  1.022771
#> 5 1.00816740 0.9671201139  1.050957
#> 6 1.01404178 0.9369709348  1.097452
#> 7 1.06362224 0.9463151471  1.195471
#> 8 3.53004419 1.2611659054  9.880708
#> 9 7.49558297 2.4159774853 23.255086
#>                  p-values D1 F-statistic
#> Gender           0.688449430  0.16079314
#> Smoking          0.852702972  0.03447524
#> Function         0.131953888  2.26944625
#> JobControl       0.698612964  0.14998880
#> JobDemands       0.727063567  0.12188075
#> SocialSupport    0.296870051  1.08825075
#> factor(Carrying) 0.001523331  6.67912444

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mice and miceafter for pooling linear regression models

The lbp_orig is a dataset that is part of the miceafter package with missing values. So we first impute them with the mice function. Than we use the mids2milist function to turn a mids object, as a result of using mice, into a milist object with multiply imputed datasets. Than we use the with function to apply repeated linear regression analyses. With the pool_glm function we obtain the results for the pooled model.

  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5, printFlag = FALSE) 
  dat_imp <- mids2milist(imp)
  ra <- with(dat_imp, expr = glm(Pain ~ factor(Carrying) + Gender + Smoking + 
                      Function + JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport))
  poolm <- pool_glm(ra, method="D1")
#>                term     estimate  std.error  statistic        df     p.value
#> 1       (Intercept)  5.061670808 2.37558194  2.1307077  92.34091 0.035770634
#> 2            Gender -0.412535088 0.42615605 -0.9680376  62.33263 0.336766766
#> 3           Smoking -0.226978139 0.33652558 -0.6744751  68.87306 0.502267042
#> 4          Function -0.042163929 0.04345018 -0.9703972  78.59812 0.334825390
#> 5        JobControl -0.018217096 0.01806178 -1.0085989 123.40437 0.315140565
#> 6        JobDemands  0.038345247 0.03548651  1.0805583  79.31704 0.283168284
#> 7     SocialSupport -0.006239621 0.05266348 -0.1184810 112.00348 0.905898787
#> 8 factor(Carrying)2  0.632072006 0.48548993  1.3019261  27.56761 0.203715768
#> 9 factor(Carrying)3  1.781114782 0.50829159  3.5041201  34.45430 0.001291286
#>         2.5 %     97.5 %
#> 1  0.34379210 9.77954952
#> 2 -1.26431848 0.43924831
#> 3 -0.89835038 0.44439410
#> 4 -0.12865622 0.04432836
#> 5 -0.05396813 0.01753393
#> 6 -0.03228450 0.10897500
#> 7 -0.11058552 0.09810628
#> 8 -0.36311225 1.62725626
#> 9  0.74864345 2.81358611
#>                  p-values D1 F-statistic
#> Gender           0.334856369  0.93709682
#> Smoking          0.501016804  0.45491671
#> Function         0.332990684  0.94167065
#> JobControl       0.313389972  1.01727182
#> JobDemands       0.281135147  1.16760621
#> SocialSupport    0.905724346  0.01403775
#> factor(Carrying) 0.003269697  6.58147389

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mice and miceafter for selecting logistic regression models

We follow the same procedure as the first example but also apply model selection here.

  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5, printFlag = FALSE) 
  dat_imp <- mids2milist(imp)
  ra <- with(dat_imp, expr = glm(Chronic ~ factor(Carrying) + Gender + Smoking + 
                      Function + JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport, 
                      family = binomial))
  poolm <- pool_glm(ra, method="D1", p.crit = 0.15, direction = "BW")
#> Removed at Step 1 is - JobControl
#> Removed at Step 2 is - Smoking
#> Removed at Step 3 is - JobDemands
#> Removed at Step 4 is - Gender
#> Removed at Step 5 is - SocialSupport
#> Selection correctly terminated, 
#> No more variables removed from the model
#>                term   estimate std.error  statistic        df      p.value
#> 1       (Intercept) -0.6463402 0.7055623 -0.9160639 138.76581 0.3612226050
#> 2          Function -0.0777323 0.0463289 -1.6778359 136.46709 0.0956679402
#> 3 factor(Carrying)2  1.3293534 0.4983916  2.6672870 133.49874 0.0085929718
#> 4 factor(Carrying)3  1.9359933 0.5441045  3.5581276  99.03639 0.0005751815
#>          OR lower.EXP upper.EXP
#> 1 0.5239599 0.1298490  2.114255
#> 2 0.9252121 0.8442153  1.013980
#> 3 3.7785992 1.4099975 10.126126
#> 4 6.9309254 2.3546140 20.401529
#>                  p-values D1 F-statistic
#> Function         0.093532445    2.815133
#> factor(Carrying) 0.003795054    5.923500

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mice and miceafter for selecting linear regression models

We follow the same procedure as the second example but also apply model selection here.

  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5, printFlag = FALSE) 
  dat_imp <- mids2milist(imp)
  ra <- with(dat_imp, expr = glm(Pain ~ factor(Carrying) + Gender + Smoking + 
                      Function + JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport))
  poolm <- pool_glm(ra, method="D1", p.crit = 0.15, direction = "BW")
#> Removed at Step 1 is - SocialSupport
#> Removed at Step 2 is - Smoking
#> Removed at Step 3 is - JobControl
#> Removed at Step 4 is - Gender
#> Selection correctly terminated, 
#> No more variables removed from the model
#>                term    estimate  std.error statistic        df      p.value
#> 1       (Intercept)  3.24769137 1.38299331  2.348306  73.95247 0.0215346818
#> 2          Function -0.06968319 0.04126367 -1.688730  87.79055 0.0948202978
#> 3        JobDemands  0.05244183 0.03509141  1.494435  63.86245 0.1399870309
#> 4 factor(Carrying)2  0.77400583 0.39918838  1.938949 112.53216 0.0550114940
#> 5 factor(Carrying)3  1.75128657 0.44974755  3.893932  84.95802 0.0001957944
#>         2.5 %    97.5 %
#> 1  0.49198762 6.0033951
#> 2 -0.15168879 0.0123224
#> 3 -0.01766424 0.1225479
#> 4 -0.01689393 1.5649056
#> 5  0.85706157 2.6455116
#>                   p-values D1 F-statistic
#> Function         0.0924799344    2.851809
#> JobDemands       0.1374825475    2.233335
#> factor(Carrying) 0.0004978015    7.869088

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