The D2 statistic to combine the Chi square values
across Multiply Imputed datasets.
pool_D2(dw, v)
a vector of chi square values obtained after multiple imputation.
single value for the degrees of freedom of the chi square statistic.
The pooled chi square values as the D2 statistic, the p-value, the numerator, df1 and denominator, df2 degrees of freedom for the F-test.
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Van Buuren S. (2018). Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. 2nd Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics. Boca Raton.
pool_D2(c(2.25, 3.95, 6.24, 5.27, 2.81), 4)
#> D2 p df1 df2
#> 0.592801 0.669186 4.000000 59.199073