The mice
function is one of the most used functions to
apply multiple imputation. This page shows how functions in the
package can be easily used in combination with
. In this way multivariable models can easily be
developed in combination with mice.
You can install the released version of psfmi with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
You can install the released version of mice with:
#> Attaching package: 'mice'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> cbind, rbind
imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5)
#> iter imp variable
#> 1 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
data_comp <- complete(imp, action = "long", include = FALSE)
pool_lr <- psfmi_lr(data=data_comp, nimp=5, impvar=".imp",
formula=Chronic ~ Gender + Smoking + Function +
JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport, method="D1")
#> $`Step 1 - no variables removed -`
#> term estimate std.error statistic df p.value
#> 1 (Intercept) 0.0865831723 2.41939739 0.035787082 131.8121 0.971506273
#> 2 Gender -0.3585052537 0.41436589 -0.865190072 146.3822 0.388350167
#> 3 Smoking 0.0921819709 0.33953780 0.271492516 149.8576 0.786385896
#> 4 Function -0.1429739498 0.04410411 -3.241737436 126.8721 0.001517849
#> 5 JobControl 0.0084334575 0.01987128 0.424404316 135.4112 0.671944493
#> 6 JobDemands 0.0002215223 0.03735099 0.005930828 134.3766 0.995276707
#> 7 SocialSupport 0.0389080265 0.05799172 0.670923879 104.2860 0.503752294
#> OR lower.EXP upper.EXP
#> 1 1.0904421 0.009101763 130.6410440
#> 2 0.6987200 0.308073277 1.5847190
#> 3 1.0965643 0.560616751 2.1448759
#> 4 0.8667766 0.794335889 0.9458238
#> 5 1.0084691 0.969606710 1.0488892
#> 6 1.0002215 0.928996470 1.0769074
#> 7 1.0396749 0.926734642 1.1663790
Back to Examples
imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5)
#> iter imp variable
#> 1 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 1 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 2 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 3 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 4 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 1 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 2 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 3 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 4 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
#> 5 5 Carrying Pain Tampascale Function Radiation Age Satisfaction JobControl JobDemands SocialSupport
data_comp <- complete(imp, action = "long", include = FALSE)
pool_lr <- psfmi_lr(data=data_comp, nimp=5, impvar=".imp",
formula=Chronic ~ Gender + Smoking + Function +
JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport,
p.crit = 0.157, method="D1", direction = "FW")
#> Entered at Step 1 is - Function
#> Selection correctly terminated,
#> No new variables entered the model
#> $`Final model`
#> term estimate std.error statistic df p.value OR
#> 1 (Intercept) 1.1589638 0.46128808 2.512451 149.2225 0.013052815 3.1866296
#> 2 Function -0.1335944 0.04117833 -3.244290 144.7164 0.001462385 0.8749448
#> lower.EXP upper.EXP
#> 1 1.2807728 7.9285011
#> 2 0.8065551 0.9491335
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