
The mice function is one of the most used functions to apply multiple imputation. This page shows how functions in the psfmi package can be easily used in combination with mice. In this way multivariable models can easily be developed in combination with mice.

Installing the psfmi and mice packages

You can install the released version of psfmi with:

And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You can install the released version of mice with:


mice and psfmi for pooling logistic regression models

#> Attaching package: 'mice'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     cbind, rbind

  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5) 
#>  iter imp variable
#>   1   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
  data_comp <- complete(imp, action = "long", include = FALSE)
  pool_lr <- psfmi_lr(data=data_comp, nimp=5, impvar=".imp", 
                      formula=Chronic ~ Gender + Smoking + Function + 
                      JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport, method="D1")
#> $`Step 1 - no variables removed -`
#>            term      estimate  std.error    statistic       df     p.value
#> 1   (Intercept)  0.0865831723 2.41939739  0.035787082 131.8121 0.971506273
#> 2        Gender -0.3585052537 0.41436589 -0.865190072 146.3822 0.388350167
#> 3       Smoking  0.0921819709 0.33953780  0.271492516 149.8576 0.786385896
#> 4      Function -0.1429739498 0.04410411 -3.241737436 126.8721 0.001517849
#> 5    JobControl  0.0084334575 0.01987128  0.424404316 135.4112 0.671944493
#> 6    JobDemands  0.0002215223 0.03735099  0.005930828 134.3766 0.995276707
#> 7 SocialSupport  0.0389080265 0.05799172  0.670923879 104.2860 0.503752294
#>          OR   lower.EXP   upper.EXP
#> 1 1.0904421 0.009101763 130.6410440
#> 2 0.6987200 0.308073277   1.5847190
#> 3 1.0965643 0.560616751   2.1448759
#> 4 0.8667766 0.794335889   0.9458238
#> 5 1.0084691 0.969606710   1.0488892
#> 6 1.0002215 0.928996470   1.0769074
#> 7 1.0396749 0.926734642   1.1663790

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mice and psfmi for selecting logistic regression models


  imp <- mice(lbp_orig, m=5, maxit=5) 
#>  iter imp variable
#>   1   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   1   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   2   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   3   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   4   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   1  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   2  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   3  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   4  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
#>   5   5  Carrying  Pain  Tampascale  Function  Radiation  Age  Satisfaction  JobControl  JobDemands  SocialSupport
  data_comp <- complete(imp, action = "long", include = FALSE)
  pool_lr <- psfmi_lr(data=data_comp, nimp=5, impvar=".imp", 
                      formula=Chronic ~ Gender + Smoking + Function + 
                      JobControl + JobDemands + SocialSupport, 
                      p.crit = 0.157, method="D1", direction = "FW")
#> Entered at Step 1 is - Function
#> Selection correctly terminated, 
#> No new variables entered the model
#> $`Final model`
#>          term   estimate  std.error statistic       df     p.value        OR
#> 1 (Intercept)  1.1589638 0.46128808  2.512451 149.2225 0.013052815 3.1866296
#> 2    Function -0.1335944 0.04117833 -3.244290 144.7164 0.001462385 0.8749448
#>   lower.EXP upper.EXP
#> 1 1.2807728 7.9285011
#> 2 0.8065551 0.9491335

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