Evaluate Performance of logistic regression models selected with
the psfmi_lr
function of the psfmi
package by using cross-validation
or bootstrapping.
val_method = NULL,
data_orig = NULL,
int_val = TRUE,
nboot = 10,
folds = 3,
nimp_cv = 5,
nimp_mice = 5,
p.crit = 1,
direction = NULL,
cv_naive_appt = FALSE,
cal.plot = FALSE,
plot.method = "mean",
groups_cal = 5,
An object of class pmods
(pooled models), produced by a previous
call to psfmi_lr
Method for internal validation. MI_boot for first Multiple Imputation and than bootstrapping in each imputed dataset and boot_MI for first bootstrapping and than multiple imputation in each bootstrap sample, and cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and MI_cv_naive for the combinations of cross-validation and multiple imputation. To use cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and boot_MI, data_orig has to be specified. See details for more information.
dataframe of original dataset that contains missing data for methods cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and boot_MI.
If TRUE internal validation is conducted using bootstrapping or cross-validation. Default is TRUE. If FALSE only apparent performance measures are calculated.
The number of bootstrap resamples, default is 10. Used for methods boot_MI and MI_boot.
The number of folds, default is 3. Used for methods cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and MI_cv_naive.
Numerical scalar. Number of (multiple) imputation runs for method cv_MI.
Numerical scalar. Number of imputed datasets for method cv_MI_RR and boot_MI.
When not defined, the number of multiply imputed datasets is used of the
previous call to the function psfmi_lr
A numerical scalar. P-value selection criterium used for backward or forward selection during validation. When set at 1, pooling and internal validation is done without backward selection.
Only used for methods cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and MI_cv_naive. If TRUE backward selection is conducted within cross-validation. Default is FALSE.
Can be used together with val_methods boot_MI and MI_boot. The direction of predictor selection, "BW" is for backward selection and "FW" for forward selection.
Can be used in combination with val_method MI_cv_naive. Default is TRUE for showing the cross-validation apparent (train) and test results. Set to FALSE to only give test results.
If TRUE a calibration plot is generated. Default is FALSE. Can be used in combination with int_val = FALSE.
If "mean" one calibration plot is generated, first taking the mean of the linear predictor across the multiply imputed datasets (default), if "individual" the calibration plot of each imputed dataset is plotted, if "overlay" calibration plots from each imputed datasets are plotted in one figure.
A numerical scalar. Number of groups used on the calibration plot and. for the Hosmer and Lemeshow test. Default is 10. If the range of predicted probabilities. is low, less than 10 groups can be chosen, but not < 3.
Wrapper function around the mice
Arguments as predictorMatrix, seed, maxit, etc that can be adjusted for
the mice
function. To be used in combination with validation methods cv_MI,
cv_MI_RR and MI_boot. For method cv_MI the number of imputed datasets is fixed at 1 and cannot
be changed.
A psfmi_perform
object from which the following objects can be extracted: res_boot
result of pooled performance (in multiply imputed datasets) at each bootstrap step of ROC app (pooled
ROC), ROC test (pooled ROC after bootstrap model is applied in original multiply imputed datasets),
same for R2 app (Nagelkerke's R2), R2 test, Scaled Brier app and Scaled Brier test. Information is also provided
about testing the Calibration slope at each bootstrap step as interc test and Slope test.
The performance measures are pooled by a call to the function pool_performance
. Another
object that can be extracted is intval
, with information of the AUC, R2, Scaled Brier score and
Calibration slope averaged over the bootstrap samples, in terms of: Orig (original datasets),
Apparent (models applied in bootstrap samples), Test (bootstrap models are applied in original datasets),
Optimism (difference between apparent and test) and Corrected (original corrected for optimism).
For internal validation five methods can be used, cv_MI, cv_MI_RR, MI_cv_naive,
MI_boot and boot_MI. Method cv_MI uses imputation within each cross-validation fold definition.
By repeating this in several imputation runs, multiply imputed datasets are generated. Method
cv_MI_RR uses multiple imputation within the cross-validation definition. MI_cv_naive, applies
cross-validation within each imputed dataset. MI_boot draws for each bootstrap step the same
cases in all imputed datasets. With boot_MI first bootstrap samples are drawn from the original
dataset with missing values and than multiple imputation is applied. For multiple imputation
the mice
function from the mice
package is used. It is recommended to use a minumum
of 100 imputation runs for method cv_MI or 100 bootstrap samples for method boot_MI or MI_boot.
Methods cv_MI, cv_MI_RR and MI_cv_naive can be combined with backward selection during
cross-validation and with methods boot_MI and MI_boot, backward and forward selection can
be used. For methods cv_MI and cv_MI_RR the outcome in the original dataset has to be complete.
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